Monday, May 18, 2009

Not to Go All Political But...

Something about the news that Steelers LB James Harrison is refusing to accompany his teammates to their visit to the White House just irks me. And no, it's not that I'm a Democrat and approved of Nick Saban's elected skipping in 2006.

At least that was work related, or so Saban says, which probably means it wasn't. But Harrison's rational:
"If you want to see the Pittsburgh Steelers, invite us when we don't win the Super Bowl. So as far as I'm concerned he would have invited Arizona if they had won."

Wow James, I'm sorry that in the middle of the worst economic recession since the Great Depression, the war in Iraq, even overcooked health crisis es, that Mr. Obama couldn't fit a mano y mano with James Harrison on his busy schedule.

Maybe the reason is just that you are a flat-out punk, James?
UPDATE: Somehow, I have a hunch that the Dan Rooney being an Obama appointed ambassador to Ireland thing will play a part in Harrison going anyways, whether he likes it or not.

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