Monday, May 18, 2009

Mushnick Drops an A-Bomb on Sterling

He thinks he's high. He thinks he's gone too far. He wants him GOOOONE!

Now that Mike and the Mad Dog aren't around(not together at least) for NY Post media critic Phil Mushnick to kick around, he has set his new target on Yankees play-by-play broadcaster John Sterling, calling for his firing barring any major improvement.

Sterling is an acquired taste. Either you like his schtick or you don't. As a play-by-play broadcaster, I don't do schtick because I'm not good at it, and I prefer to describe the action in front of me. But I don't condemn it, if someone can pull it off. And as much as Sterling can often represent the snobby "The Yankees are better than you" attitude, he's able to pull off his own style.

That said, if he's making up things Mushnick documents such as purposely calling a ground-rule double a homer, then yeah we have a problem. But if you are going to get on Sterling for being late to describe a wild play at the plate- seriously, get some alcohol in your life.

After all, I have heard much worse than John Sterling in terms of play-by-play broadcasting. I will leave it at that.

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