Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Video: What is Buzz Bissinger's Problem?

If you haven't heard by now, brilliant yet overly sanctimonious author Buzz Bissinger went all Hulk on editor Will Leitch in Tuesday's episode of Costas Now. The argument emanated from blogs and how Bissinger thinks they are the "ROOT OF ALL EVIL."

Here's the Youtube video of the audio from Costas Now, with HBO prohibiting the actual video from being shown.

It bothers me to a certain extent to say this, because I've never met Bissinger personally, yet greatly admired "Friday Night Lights." But he sounds like an absolute moron when getting into arguments. This is the same guy who when I worked at 790 the Ticket, went on Boog Sciambi's radio show to attempt to tell him off about minor league pitchers(nobody knows more baseball than Boog), and while he's at it, throws a complete and total cheap shot at Sid Rosenberg. Suffice to say, it sounds like he has some serious anger management issues.

And on his comments from blogs, I can sympathize with his frustration over the extreme cynicism that seems to surround sports. Those of you that listen to my shows and read my work understand that I try not to be judgemental or stand on a soapbox, but rather approach an issue from all viewpoints and often times end up on the unpopular side of things.

But grouping blogs and bloggers in the guilty category is just as ignorant as the very same thing Bissinger is railing against. Yes, some blogs may exist in the uber-cynical category. But others provide the opposite. And some, like Deadspin, and like this one(and I love Deadspin), look to offer a balance between the lighter side of sports, while discussing the major issues in a light that not everyone chooses to see.

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