Monday, April 21, 2008

No One Does Cheesy 80's Videos Like Hall and Oates....

So I'm watching TV this afternoon, and on comes a commercial for some new Hall and Oates Best of compilation. I bring this up because when going through the songs, of course they also feature clips from the accompanying videos. And I think it may be said that no group constantly churned out explosively bad videos like Hall and Oates, even if they were the No. 1 selling duo in musical history.

Now don't get me wrong, they have plenty of hits, some of which are very lame but catchy, and a couple(I Cant Go For that No Can Do comes to mind) that are legitimately good 80's songs. But sorry, that doesn't overshadow their small screen efforts. Not even close.

Let's start with what was voted the No. 2 worst video ever on MTV, "Maneater." Not to be confused with Nelly Furtado, who thankfully avoided jaguars, shadows, lipstick, and pre-Vanilla Ice hairdos for her video.

Next, it's "Private Eyes," which for me actually may be worse than "Maneater."

Finally, the video for "Family Man." I had never heard this song before, but I don't know whats creepier, the Galagaish graphics, or the kids eventually semi-molesting Hall and Oates!

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